Two new family law roles in today as follows:
1. Family Law Solicitor with a Manchester City Centre Law Firm.
Divorce, Finances, some Children Act Work as part of the divorce, some variation of finances and contact post divorce – 3 months cover sought but may be flexible – shorter or longer. Flexible working patterns.
2. Family Lawyer sought in Newcastle. Firm based virtually next to the Byker metro station. The work is LAA funded work and looking for 3 months cover from the 18th June (solicitor has left the practice). As this is specifically public funded work you should ideally be on the Law Society children panel but parent only would be fine. This is bona fide locum cover, however they are recruiting permanently so would be happy to look at a locum to permanent arrangement if anyone was interested.
Any interest in either please let me know.
Jonathan Fagan
11th June 2018